Friday, 24 May 2024

Research Task Nine : Target Audience Research And Analysis

 From my research, I have gathered that the most popular genres of music among my target audience are electronic and pop. My target audience enjoy a range of artists. The price point would be £4.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Independent Music Magazine Websites?

 From my research into the websites of some independent music magazines, I have learned that they share their identity with the physical counterpart. 

The masthead is at the top of the homepage in the same style as on the print magazine. The websites have many pictures to accompany the typed information to keep the viewer engaged.

A common feature in these magazine websites is the inclusion of segments or features from the print magazine being displayed on the homepage of the website.

There is also ways for the companies to earn money through their websites. This could include a subscription service in which you pay to have a physical edition of your magazine delivered to the person's house. This could also be selling advertising space on the website- allowing a business to pay the magazine some money to promote their product on the website. This generates profit for the magazine.

An important aspect of the magazine is the use of hyperlinks for ease of access for the user. This allows them to navigate to a section they want to read instead of having to find it manually. This acts like a pseudo-contents page for the website. This also includes the search bar, allowing users to input key words to receive information about a given topic if the magazine has included it in their magazine.

Research Task Eight : Research Into Other Independent Music Magazine Websites


Saturday, 11 May 2024

Research Task Seven : Independent Music Magazine Websites


The wire uses digital convergence to advertise the most recent issue of the magazine on the top of the website. It also features the magazine's name at the top of the page in the same sans serif font as used on the magazine front page.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Magazine Contents Pages?

 I have learned a lot about magazine front covers from my research into RnR, The Wire, MOJO and Octane. 

Like all contents pages, magazines need to have a list of recommended pages, describing what is on that  page, with a short description and a page number to find that information. The date of publication as well as the issue number are always on this page, usually at the top of the page.

Sometimes the name of the magazine is at the top of the page in the same style as on the front cover. Typically, magazine contents pages contain images to try to entice the reader along with the text- this would be a group of 3-6. The exception to this in my research is MOJO which uses one one large image instead of multiple small ones.

Research Task Six : Wider Research Into Magazine Contents Pages.


Friday, 3 May 2024

Research Task Five : The Wire Music Magazine Contents Pages


Reflection Point : What Have I Learned About Independent Music Magazine Front Covers?

 I have researched two different indie music magazines and their values when it comes to the composition of their front covers.

Both Magazines feature their masthead in a signature style at the top of the page- though The Wire's mastheads are not exclusively in one standardised colour. Both magazines' straplines are above the masthead- RnR just displaying the genres of music they discuss, and The Wire with a more unique slogan. A common theme is the main coverline being anchored by the image (which takes up the whole page) putting a spotlight on one artist or band. The typeface of the magazines stays consistent throughout the different issues. They also list the featured artists on the front cover in a list down the side.

Additional Research Task : Further Independent Music Magazine Covers


NEA Task 4 : How Does 'RnR' Magazine's Front Cover Appeal To Audiences?


Production log

Website Current layout. Empty space at the bottom will be filled with other stories and information on the current issue of the magazine. So...