Monday 1 July 2024

Planning Task 4 : Front Cover Design


"Up and coming"- good coverline for a brand new music magazine. double entendre for artists.

"Meeting Martin Garrix"- "meeting" would be in smaller font to place emphasis on the artist. Have a photo of someone to model as Garrix.

"Rising Sparks"- play on the term Rising stars with an electronic twist.

Having one named artist and one ambiguous allows for anyone to be pictured in one of the covers to complete the different demographic criteria in the set brief.

Some ideas for other coverlines are:

"Aspiring artists, how to keep an audience." as a kicker and a teaser. 

"Musical madness- the greatest hits of this year."

Main Images

I will use two different models, my friends Jack B and Tamsin G, on separate covers for the "different social groups" requirement- being different genders. One picture will be taken inside and one will be outside to show different mise-en-scene. The indoor shot will be well lit on a plain background. the outdoor shot will be during the day, more towards the afternoon. The mood will be more nonchalant and serious. Front covers are head and mid shots, usually with direct address. I will follow the conventions by using these shot types in my photography.

Other Page Furniture


 "NEW!" on first edition

"Free poster inside" on both editions. this was requested by my target audience.

Content Plugs

Names of artists. Above the masthead, or at the bottom of the page (will depend on my front cover composition. when I design it

Date and price line

Written in smaller font next to the masthead of the magazine.


Bottom of the page, left side of the page- common place on other magazines so I will use the same area.

Planning Task 4 : Front Cover Design

Coverlines "Up and coming"- good coverline for a brand new music magazine. double entendre for artists. "Meeting Martin Garri...